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  • Writer's pictureMonet Wright

My Alopecia Story & InsideEdition

Updated: May 30, 2023

So let's get into how an hour-long panel interview with InsideEdition turned into a 1:11 second sound bite.

A reporter with InsideEdition approached me just a few days after 'The Slap Heard Around The World' took place.

They wanted to interview me because of my semi-viral tweet.

I tweeted this after seeing the replay of Will Smith slapping Chris Rock at the Oscars.

The slap had just happened and everyone felt inclined to share their opinions on whether "the slap" was justified or not.

Yet, I didn't see anyone speaking about the main topic at hand: alopecia.

A study of almost 6,000 women of African descent conducted three years ago by Boston University's Slone Epidemiology Center found that almost 48% of respondents had suffered hair loss on the crown or the top of the head - mostly caused by traction alopecia.

Since the topic tends to be shrouded in silence, the true figure may be higher.

-BBC Africa | Aaron Akinyemi | African women on the shame of hair loss

Out of the six women participating in the interview, they clipped the juiciest sound bites from two women for their article and video since they fit in best with their narrative. I spoke up because I wanted to make sure my story and the story of thousands of other women suffering from alopecia were told because it was being overlooked during the interview.

It was a story that I started telling last year on my YouTube channel to inspire other black women living with alopecia to speak out.

I gradually started losing my hair in college. It wasn't something I noticed until it was too late I felt and by the time I reached out for help, I was told it was my fault.

More specifically I was told:

'Since black women insist on wearing such tight hairsytles this is normal. There is no treatment I can offer you, I suggest not pulling your hair back.'

-A Dermatologist in the DMV we've decided to remain nameless

I use to wear braids, wigs, cornrows, and even tried tracks a few times but none of this helped my condition. But over time, the gradual hair loss became more and more apparent.

After confiding in my husband about how self-conscious I felt about my hairline and how much I hated my hair texture (unless permed of course), he suggested I start over, cut it all off and he'll grow his hair out with me in support.

Some learn about the Big Bang, I learned about the Big Chop!

In 2015, I cut all the perm out of my hair and haven't looked back since.

I was looking forward to seeing my new hair grow in, however, it grew everywhere except my crown (my edges were thin, very thin!).

So I decided to start wearing head wraps to protect my hair and edges so they could grow back healthy, but the stress of wrapping my hair every time I wanted to leave the house was becoming another issue!

Then one day I said, enough is enough! I want to feel beautiful. I want to feel royally confident when I step out into the world, but what could I do?

After MANY failed attempts, I finally created the perfect pre-tied headwrap for myself. Then, I started making them for family and friends.

Eventually, I created my own website and started to sell the head wraps to women and men living with alopecia and/or looking to accentuate their looks.

If you are looking for a headwrap solution, you've found it!

My husband and I created Queen&King to encourage and inspire our tribe members to live their truth.

Living with alopecia can be difficult, but it doesn't have to be. Own your story and celebrate yourself. It's as simple as that!

Written by: Monet Wright

Thoughts Consultant: Jerry Wright

Editor: Richie Crider

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